22/11/24 Officer Update

Officer Updatesstudent voice
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Ness Garratt – Activities and Opportunities Officer

This week was busy with graduation ceremonies celebrating the achievements of the Class of 2024. This gave me the opportunity to speak at two of the ceremonies, one of which being my own graduation where I celebrated with my cohort, of whom I am so proud. The speech was incredibly nerve-wracking but was an opportunity for me to 'lean in', a concept that I shared in my speech. Remember to 'lean in', push yourself out of your comfort zone, try new things, meet new people and be spontaneous.

The SOSUK (Students Organising for Sustainability) Drugs and Alcohol Survey was also launched. If you would like to take part and be in for a chance to win up to £100, fill in this form here.


Kit Boulting-Hodge – Education and Community Officer

This week was a critical week for students, as an SU we celebrated the student's success. This year I gave my speech in a different way I paved the way for accessibility of future students which gives neuro-divergent students and others who would run away from the role an opportunity to not be deterred from applying for the FTO role. This reasonable adjustment is signalling the university's commitment to allow all walks of life to find a place.

The Student Voice team conducted Course Rep training which has been successful. SVAs also conducted their school forums, where course reps interacted with them and exchanged feedback.


Bobola Ajibola – Welfare and Diversity Officer

I had the privilege of participating in the University of Gloucestershire’s Graduation Ceremony, where I delivered a speech as a representative of the Students' Union and a fellow graduate. This occasion was a personal milestone and a professional honour. In my address, I encouraged graduates to cherish their university memories and highlighted that success involves not only working hard but also working smart. I urged them to use their skills and knowledge to create impact and lead with purpose. 

Additionally, during the graduation week, I engaged with MBA and MRes students at Oxstalls campus, Talking about the Awarding Gap Campaign.
