Team Glos Code of Conduct

Our mission is to develop and provide a sports community where all student athletes thrive, regardless of the sport they play or the level they participate. To achieve this, we have updated our Team Glos Code of Conduct; based on our five core values. Each student wishing to become a member of our sports clubs must agree to this code at the point they buy their membership. 

The Code of Conduct governs all members, during any club based activity. These guidelines seek to clarify what is reasonable behaviour when a student is participating in any activity or social event. These activities include:

  • Activities publicsised at a club meeting. 
  • Activity in any way publicised by a club online, social media, word of mouth etc. 
  • Activity funded in part or in whole by the club or the Students' Union.
  • Activity requiring the use of equipment owned by the club or Students' Unoin.
  • Activity where group transport is booked through the Students' Union.
  • When a student is wearing clothing that identifies them as part of a club (including fancy dress).
  • Any Wednesday Night Social organised by a club.


Our Values 

The Code of Conduct is built from our values. These five core principles act as the foundation to the decisions we make, help us work towards a common goal and dictate what we stand for and what we wont tolerate. 

Sportsmanship: a combination of many positive attitudes that collectively create a rounded sportsperson. These include: respect, responsiblity, self-discipline, humility and gratitude. These attitudes stretch beyond the reaches of the pitch or court and into the everyday actions taken by a Team Glos member. How this applies to the code:

  • Play within and respect the rules of the game.
  • Take responsibility for your actions, be honest when you make mistakes.
  • Respect the decisions made by officials - when playing and spectating. 
  • Encourage positive language as a team, even when you've faced defeat. 
  • Shake hands with your opposition, and congratulate them on a game well played. No need to showboat. 



  • Play to the final whistle. Scores can change in the last seconds of a match. 
  • Don't give up when things get hard. We're here to help when you need it. 
  • Support your team mates through the good times, and the bad. 


Opportunity: All students should have the opportunity to be a member of our sports clubs, regardless of their background. A club or team which embraces diversity is one gets the best of it's players; because when people can be themselves, you get the best out of them. Be togther, not the same. How this applied to the code:

  • Encourage people to try new sports and activities; everyone has to start somewhere. 
  • Select teams based on an indivdiuals merrit, not their popularity. 
  • Call out homophobic, racists, sexist and unkind behaviour and langauge. There is no place for it.
  • Allow people to express their themsleves and their opinions. You don't always have to agree. 
  • Accept that no is a perfectly accaptable answer to being asked to do something. No need to pressure.



  • Respect your team mates and your opposistion. While playing & spectating.
  • Respect your team coach, they are here to help you develop and grow.
  • Respect the decisions made by officials - even if you think they're wrong. Matches can't happen without them.
  • Respect the drivers and vehicles, it's their license at risk if you do something wrong. That means no drinking on the bus.  
  • Respect the clubs equipment; if things break, let us know. 
  • Respect the facilities of away venues, treat them how you would treat our own. Clean up after yourselves, and leave it how you found it, if not better. 



  • Trust yourself to perform well each week, know when to take a break. 
  • Trust your club's committee to make the right decision, but let them know if you think something is wrong. 
  • Let the Sports Office know when things go well - but equally when something hasn't. 
  • Act and behave on an away fixure as you would at home. 
  • Be the the example of what being a Team Glos athlete is all about at all times. 



The Students' Union has a zero tolerance stance on Initiations and initiation type activity. No member should ever have to take part in an unnecessary initiation activity simply to be part of a club or play on a team. This is against our values as Team Glos, and against the code of conduct. This zero tolerance applies even where inidvdiuals are willing or agree to take part voluntarily in initiation based activity. Initiations should not happen. Period. 

Any club or individual found to be running an initiation based activity will go through the Activies Sanctionoing Process. This could result in the suspension of membership, and the disbandment of a team or club. 


Reporting Tool

The reporting tool can be accessed here:

What kind of incidents can I report?

This form is available to anyone who has been made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe in a Sports team/club, regardless of how that incident might be defined

What happens next?

If you've submitted your report with contact details, Student Services will contact you within two working days to discuss the incident. All conversations are confidential, in line with our privacy policy. Information will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, with the exception of circumstances in which:

  • it is required by law
  • it is required for medical reasons
  • we have a reasonable belief that you have breached university regulations or policies
  • there is a series risk of harm to yourself or others.