Varsity 2024

Every year we compete against the University of Worcester in over 15 sports to be crowned the Varsity champions !  





This year's joint Varsity campaign theme is #ShapeYourSport.   

Athlete Activism is rising within sports where athletes use their platform to campaign/raise awareness of a topic or issue that is important to them.  

This is the time to use YOUR voice and #ShapeyourSport, focussing on working together to reduce inequality, encourage positive change, and support other teams with their campaigning!   

We want Varsity 2024 to be a set of fixtures that can be enjoyed by every single person, whether they are a player, a spectator, or part of the wider university community.  

  • Call out and challenge any homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, and other discriminatory words, behaviours, and actions.   

  • Call out and challenge any words, behaviours, and actions that discriminate against people based on their race, religion, or actions that discriminate against people based on their race, religion, or other identifying attributes.   

  • Celebrate diversity and people’s differences to make sure all our players feel valued and part of the team.